
Santa Clara Youth Soccer Referee Program

Welcome to our Referee Resource Center! We want to thank you for participating and supporting our soccer league this season, for without referees we cannot hold any soccer games. We have over 1,600 children participating in the Santa Clara Youth Soccer League; that’s a lot of soccer games to run.

We assembled some very important information to share with our referees. Please feel free to provide feedback to make our program better!

Burt Field
SCYSL Referee Scheduler

2021 SCYSL Referee Rates

Rates are based on duration of the half.

Regulation Field Size

  • 45 min Half | Center Ref $70 | Assistant Refs $60
  • 40 min Half | Center Ref $65| Assistant Refs $55
  • 35 min Half | Center Ref $60 | Assistant Refs $50

Small Field Size

  • 30 Min Half | 9 v 9 | Center Ref $55 | Assistant Refs $45
  • 25 Min Half | 7 v 7 | Center Ref $47 | Assistant Refs $38

Solo CR rates are rates plus $15 

Scysl Referee Instructions

Step 1 – Sign-up In The Arbiter

When you register in the you are telling us that you are ready to referee games. We need to know when you are unavailable so we can schedule games around your schedule. Remember that nobody gets paid until the Center Referee enters the game report. If you have further scheduling questions, please contact Burt Fields, Referee Scheduler

Step 2 – Referee Scheduling – How Do I Find My Games?

Referee scheduling is now handled via web-based database.

If you are not yet registered, please contact Burt Fields, Referee Scheduler

Once registered, please go to and use your e-mail address and password to sign in.

During your first time online, and whenever there is a change, please update your contact information so that we can get to you and, when you work, pay you.

Then, whenever this changes, block out the times that you know you will not be available. This way we will not contact you for games when you can’t/don’t want to work anyway.

Finally, keep an eye on the schedule, and if you see a game you really want to do, contact Burt Fields, Referee Scheduler.

Reminder e-mail should go out three days before your assignment.

Since we’re new at this, please bear with us. Changes will happen. For any operational issues, contact the Referee Coordinator. Same goes for any operational suggestions.

Thanks for working with us!

Norcal League Send-off Procedures

Starting in the 2018 Fall Season, ALL SCYSL Recreation Soccer games and the majority of the competitive games will be played under NorCal Premier League rules.  SCYSL is

Send off Report

Download form

Also known as 24 hour report, this form may be used for any competitions in NorCal Premier Soccer.

  1. Please complete the form for any player or coach that you sent off in your match.
  2. Submit one form per individual that is sent off.
  3. When you submit the form, an email will be sent to you with an attachment of the PDF for your records.

Incident Report

Download form

Please report injuries, poor or unsafe field conditions, issues with coaches and spectators (before, during and after the game), game abandon/suspension, player and coach pass issues, and any other unusual incident.

Protest, Appeal & Discipline

The NorCal Protests, Appeals, and Discipline process manages all issues related to violations of the NorCal Handbook and Code of Ethics, as well as Red Card suspensions.  To report a violation to NorCal Premier, please fill out the incident report form located in the menu on the left.  Incident reports can only be filed by Club Presidents, Directors of Coaching/ Technical Directors, and Referees.

Pad Process

NorCal has made changes to the Incident and Send Off Reporting for all NorCal Premier Soccer events.  To submit a report you will need to log in with your club information to ensure that the proper role within the club is submitting the report.  Each club will be notified of a report involving their club in the ‘Club’ tab of their GotSoccer account.  The master account holder for the club will also be notified via email.  Once notified, each club has 48 hours to respond to the report via the GotSoccer system, where clubs can leave comments and attach any supporting documents.  Rulings will be made from within the system and posted to the club accounts.

Once an incident report has been filed, it will be directed to the appropriate NorCal personnel for review.  In addition, any club named in an incident report will be notified of the report and be given a 48 hour period to respond before NorCal rules on the issue.  Incident reports relating to violations of the NorCal Code of Ethics will be reviewed by the NorCal PAD Committee following a 48 hour comment period.  Send Off Reports and reports relating to unlicensed referees will be investigated by the NorCal Referee Coordinator and presented to the PAD Committee for a ruling.  All reports relating to game protests, scheduling, or communications issues will be reviewed by the NorCal Competitions Committee.  As with all incident reports, clubs will be given 48 hours to respond to any incident report filed against them before NorCal makes a ruling.